Casino Legislation News
New Gambling Regulations in Georgia
The challenges that the new tax reform puts before the whole industry
Update Report on Gaming Legislation in Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkmenistan
Casino Life Magazine Exclusive Gaming Legislation Update Report on Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkmenistan
Update Report on Gaming Legislation in Taiwan, Namibia, Tanzania and Uzbekistan
Gambling Legislation Update for Taiwan, Namibia, Tanzania and Uzbekistan

Update Report on Gaming Legislation in Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Gaming Legislation Update provided by Law Firm Anđelović, Siketić & Tomić d.o.o
The European Casino Association announces appointment of Erwin van Lambaart as the new ECA Chairman
London/Brussels, February 7, 2023 | During the ECA General Assembly, held today at ICE London 2023, the ECA Board of the European Casino Association announced that after eight successful years, Per Jaldung has stepped down as Chairman of the association, and by unanimous member approval, Erwin van Lambaart has been appointed his successor.
Mitä ovat mobiilikasinot ja miksi niillä pelaaminen on niin suosittua?
Mobiililaitteita käytetään maailmassa jatkuvasti enemmän niin arkisten asioiden hoitamiseen, viihtymiseen, ihmisten kanssa keskustelemiseen kuin pelaamiseenkin. Nettikasinot ovat tästä syystä myös panostaneet paljon omaan mobiilipuoleensa ja mobiilikasinoista onkin tullut vuoden 2022 todellinen trendi.
Gaming Legislation in Austria, Bulgaria and Germany Update
Gambling, casinos, and lotteries in Austria are regulated by the Law on Games of Chance and are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, which is also the supervising authority. The Finanzamt Österreich (Tax Office Austria) is the regulator that governs the games of chance that fall within the scope of the federal monopoly on games of chance as defined in the Gaming Act. As a courtesy, the betting act which is in force in some federal states dates back to 1919.
Hotels in Ukraine Granted Permits for Operating Casinos
One of the European countries where casinos and other gambling organizations were not allowed to operate was none other than Ukraine. For more than a decade, people in Ukraine didn’t have a casino or any other land-based gambling center they could visit. This started in 2009 when a fire broke out in one off the gambling halls in Dnipropetrovsk and ended up killing nine people.
Gaming Legislation Spain Germany and France
Update Report on Gaming Legislation in Spain, Germany and France By: Marko Tomic, Partner, Law Firm Anđelović, Siketić & Tomić d.o.o. Zagreb
Gambling in Spain is regulated under a Gambling Act which entered into force in 2011 and to this date underwent more than a few amendments with new ones in the horizon for 2021. Private operation of games other than lotteries (still a monopoly) was authorized upon implementation and development of the Gambling Act.